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28-Aug-90 11:00 AM  CST  

Running Shoes Their Relationship to Running Injuries 

Sports Medicine

Author: Stephen D. Cook, Mark R. Brinker, and Mahlon Poche

Click here to read the entire published article by Dr Brinker

It has been estimated that 25 to 40 million Americans participate in some form of running (Gudas 1980; Stanish 1984) and that between 50 and 70% of them will suffer some type of running related injury requiring medical treatment (Gudas 1980), Most injuries occur in the lower extremity, with the knee being the most common site of injury (Detmer 1980; Gudas 1980: James et 31. 1978; Newell & Bramwell 1984; Nutig 1981; Stanish 1984), Approximately 60% of running injuries result from training errors which include: rapid mileage increase, excessive interval training, excessive 'speed work' on hills, running on poor surfaces, poor flexibility training, ignoring a previous injury, failure to recognise physical limitations secondary to a biomechanical problem. excessive toe running. and old. worn or improper footwear (Johnson 1983), This review will focus on the mechanism. of injury with an emphasis on the effect of footwear.

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Source: Sports Medicine

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 Running Shoes Their Relationship to Running Injuries .pdf    65.339 KB 

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