Patient Stories
Healed Severe Leg Fracture using Ilizarov Surgery

Limb Restoration using Bone Transport and Tibiocalcaneal Fusion

Foot Savior
Open Ankle Fracture
Open Fracture of the Tibia
I sustained an open fracture of the left tibia in a “freak” accident involving an automobile on May 20, 2007.
Initial debridement and wound closure was performed by an orthopedic surgeon within 4 hours of the accident and further debridements were performed 3 days later.
On June 1, 2007 the 3rd surgery involved internal fixation with surgical placement of a titanium rod. I then began many months of physical therapy after which I faithfully used a bone stimulator for the prescribed weeks. By February 2008, after many x-rays and continued pain, I was told by the treating orthopedic surgeon that I needed more surgery. I obtained a second opinion which confirmed this need.
I finally met with Dr. Mark Brinker who was foremost concerned as to why my tibia had not healed. I had been taking Hydrocodone, Advil, and Celebrex since my accident on May 20, 2007. Dr. Brinker asked me to stop taking any medications that contained an anti-inflammatory component as they stop bone healing. Dr. Brinker referred me to an endocrinologist for a metabolic bone disease workup to determine if there was a metabolic reason for my non-healing. There was no evidence of a metabolic reason for my continued nonunion.
At this point I decided to continue my care with Dr. Mark Brinker, who specializes in treating fracture nonunions, malunions, chronic deep bone infections and limb deformities. On July 1, 2008 I had my 4th surgery since the accident. Dr. Brinker performed a treatment of my left tibia nonunion with bone graft. I was placed in an Ilizarov Taylor Spatial external fixator to straighten the severe deformity in my tibia which was still broken and quite crooked. My wife and I had to adjust the fixator daily as per the instructions of Dr. Brinker. Several months later the external fixator was revised and then finally removed about 7 months after our initial surgery.
I cannot praise and thank Dr. Mark Brinker and his staff enough for encouraging me throughout the process until I was fully healed and totally free of pain. I have completely normal function of the involved leg, it is healed and straight. I fear my story would have had a much different outcome without Dr. Brinker’s expert help.
Lacey K., M.D.